National Portion Online (32 Hours) – Vermont Portion in Classroom (8 Hours)
“The Hybrid Course”
This course includes a complete study of the modern practices and principles related to the real estate profession both nationally and in Vermont.
COST: $500 by credit card in advance. This grants you six (6) months of access. If necessary, you may purchase a 30 day extension for $49 or a 90 day extension for $89.
To receive a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION you must complete the National Portion and State Portion as described below:
National Portion (32 Hours): Study related to the national portion will be completed online through completion of Dearborn Real Estate Education Company’s ARELLO certified course entitled “Modern Real Estate Practice (National Real Estate Principles) v. 21.0” which must be completed by a student within six (6) months and may be extended by payment of an extra fee for up to an additional 90 days. In addition to extensive reading and online exercises, the student will be required to take and pass various unit examinations and achieve passing scores. We also recommend, BUT DO NOT REQUIRE, students to take the national practice exams and final exam administered from the Randy Mayhew School of Real Estate website (see left hand column under heading QUICK ACCESS). Each student must sign documents designed to ensure the integrity of the process and follow other security and registration procedures as required. The portal used to present this course is Dearborn’s RE Campus, a popular provider of online study. Access to the RE Campus portal is found as noted below. A student can realistically expect to spend 50 hours or more in completing this portion of the course, including reading, review and quiz taking. The real benefit is that the student can usually complete this segment of the course at their own pace from the comfort of the student’s home…no travel, no worries about the weather, and total freedom to schedule time.
Under Prelicense Education on this website, select Online (Hybrid) Registration – you are then taken to the RE Campus portal.
On the RE Campus portal CHOOSE the following variable: Real Estate Licensing
Under the Licensing Link there is only ONE course presented you should select.:
Modern Real Estate Practice v 21.0 which is $500
Click on ADD TO CART
You will be directed to a screen that provides options showing Available Add-ons. NONE of these are required. Some students, however, prefer to have a hard copy of the text used in the program, and others like extra support in Math.
You can also order this book: Modern Real Estate Practice, 21st Edition here or wherever you purchase books including eBay and Amazon.
Click on CONTINUE and then Click on PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. There your credit card will be charged and you are given IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the program for six (6) months. Short extensions may be purchased later for 30 or 90 days if necessary.
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